All Garden Talks to be held at Highland Adult Activity Center
209 N. John St., Highland, Michigan
Registration at 6:30 PM; presentation begins at 7:00 PM
Tickets: $5.00 available from any Highland Garden Club member or Township Offices
Other: door prizes and light refreshments will be provided.
For more information, contact Judy or Chantelle at 248-887-3791 ext. 4
🦋 March 11, 2019 Speaker: Julia Hoffley
"To Giverny with Love from America: Saving the Garden of Claude Monet"
- Lecture: "Japanese Maple side veneer grafting technique as designed by the
Master, Harold Johnson" Fee: $5.00
- Workshop immediately following lecture: Grafting a Japanese Maple.
- Workshop immediately following lecture: Grafting a Japanese Maple.
$30.00 prepayment required. Contact Chantelle at 248-887-3791 ext. 4 to
reserve a seat.
🦋 September 9, 2019 Speaker: Dr. Art Cameron, MSU Professor Emeritus
🦋 September 9, 2019 Speaker: Dr. Art Cameron, MSU Professor Emeritus
"Successful Vegetable Gardening Using Raised Beds, Bamboo Trellises and
Plant Diversity"
Plant Diversity"
🦋 October 14, 2019 Speaker: Janet Macunovich, Garden A To Z
"Planting When Roots Aren't Right"
"Planting When Roots Aren't Right"